Payment methods
This section contains background information on the forms of payment that are practiced when placing orders on the website. Available types of payment:
- Payment by bank card
We guarantee confidentiality of personal information. We do not transfer contact or personal information of Clients to the third parties unless required by law. When paying for an order, the security of your payment is guaranteed by the Stripe payment system.

Payment by bank card
On our site there is an opportunity to pay for goods by bank card, for that after placing an order on the corresponding page of the site, you shall select the option "Payment by bank card." A payment for an order is made directly after placing it.
We accept cards of payment systems such as
- MasterCard
- Amerikanischer Express
- Discover Netzwerk

If you choose to pay by bank card, after placing your order, you will be automatically redirected to the payment system's website, where you will be required to enter your card details.

Please prepare your card in advance, as for security reasons, connection to the payment gateway and transfer of information is limited in time.
What you need to know to make a payment by bank card:
- Card number;
- Card expiration date (month/year);
- CSC code.